Manual Therapy

When you are suffering from pain, injury or weakness your body will naturally try to protect itself. This is why some pain becomes chronic. Regaining movement before your body starts the healing process is essential for a fast and full recovery. Hands-on manual therapy techniques can help your body speed up the healing process.

What Exactly is Manual Therapy?

Using gentle hands-on techniques your physical therapist will diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures through processes including, but not limited to, mobilization and manipulation. Manual therapy can help your body’s healing process through a variety of approaches that promote true healing and provide fast pain relief.

Techniques Include:

  • Massage therapy
  • Traction
  • Acupressure
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Joint and Soft tissue mobilization
  • Muscle energy technique
  • Manual lymphatic drainage

What are the Benefits of Manual Therapy?

Most people feel the benefits of manual therapy after their first session and continue to feel real results every time.

Benefits Experienced Include:

  • Diagnose soft tissues and joint structure restrictions
  • Increase range of motion
  • Relieve pain
  • Reduce swelling and inflammation
  • Promote natural movement and function
  • Relax muscle trigger points
  • Increase strength and stability in muscles
  • Improve contractile and non-contractile tissue repair

Speak with a specialist today on how our manual therapy techniques can help you!